A Piece of Cake.

I can finally say I finished one of the books on my reading list. The book is titled ” A Piece of Cake”. The book is based off of the life of the author whose name is cupcake.

She tells a detailed story of loss in various aspects of her life. It starts with the loss of her mother at a young age and the journey that she goes on after that. Which includes being placed in various foster homes and becoming hooked on drugs before the age of 13.

In the end the author completely and shockingly changes her life around to become a local San Diego lawyer. My overall gaining from the book is that although you may go through the mud in life, there is still possibility to rise above that. It seemed throughout the story that the author would eventually give up on herself but when others stepped in and made sure she didn’t her life made a complete 360.

I hope to one day meet the author and have some more dialogue with her.

Now I can’t wait to read my next book.

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